Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream Initial Impressions Review

I received Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream in return for my honest and unbiased  review from Tomoson.   I have tried two previous products from them, Maxasorb Melatonin Cream and B12 Cream, and I was very impressed with both of them, in terms of efficiency and how easy it was to use.  I do have … More Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream Initial Impressions Review

Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream Initial Impressions Review

I received Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream in return for my honest and unbiased  review from Tomoson.   I have tried a previous product from them, Maxasorb Melatonin Cream, and I was very impressed on its efficiency and how easy it was to use.  I suffer from fatigue and have issues with absorption of vitamins … More Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin B12 Cream Initial Impressions Review